
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Building Relationships & Best Practices

Building relationships is paramount in life as is it for business.  Tulip Canada hopes to foster a relationship with you as a means to help support the education community and encourage life adventures while we work.  The world is a small place and what better way for teachers and administrators to share their knowledge and learn of another land, people and culture.  It's a wonderful gift for those in the education profession as well as students and parents.

It is Tulip Canada's hope to profile best practices as means to enhance quality of service already existing in the education community. Information sharing encourages resource development, program measurements, employee satisfaction and recognition.  It is to profile the great work being done across our world by educators.  Please consider sharing your success stories at school and in the classroom when time permits over the upcoming weeks.  Please email me.

Many thanks for your time!

Lori Ann Comeau
President & CEO
Tulip Canada